Comparative Pain Scale


Does not interfere with most activities. Able to adapt to pain psychologically and with OTC medicine.

Very mild Very light barely noticeable pain, like a mosquito bite.
Discomforting Minor pain, like pinching skin.
3  Tolerable Noticeable pain but able to adapt to it. Feels like an accidental cut.

Interfered with many activities. Requires lifestyle changes but patient remains independent. Unable to adapt to pain. Pain Medication often prescribed at this time.

Distressing Strong deep pain, like a toothache, or minor trauma such as stubbing your toe really hard.
Very distressing Strong, deep piercing pain, such as sprained ankle, mild back pain. Normal lifestyle is interrupted.
6  Intense Strong pain that partially dominates your senses. Affects your clear thinking.

Unable to engage in normal activities. Patient is disabled and unable to function independently.

7  Very intense Comparable to migraine headache. Pain dominates your senses and you are unable to think clearly 50% of the time.
Utterly Horrible Cannot think clearly at all. Severe personality change if pain persists. Comparable to childbirth or kidney stones.
Excruciating  unbearable Cannot tolerate pain anymore. No more joy in life. Comparable to cancer.
10 Unimaginable Pain causes spells of unconsciousness. Severe accident or trauma.

 Click here for a link to a printable version of the Comparative Pain Scale