Directory of Local Support Groups
We help those with Ehlers-Danlos find or organize support groups in their local communities. Our free program provides each group with a listing on the Support Group Directory and Map, free webpages, coaching, and more... If there is no group in your area, we will help you survey interest and connect with local EDSers.
We also provide Educational recordings by EDS experts. Contact us at for help or to be included in the directory.
Find a support group location by using the interactive map or the look-up menu below.
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Watch this free video describing how we can help you start a group and spread local awareness.
We can show you:
- how to join or start your group
- how to find new members, plan & organize meetings, activities, local awareness, etc.
- how to create your FREE website pages
(Simple and user-friendly! If you can use a Word processor, you have the skills already!)
Through local groups and this website community, we will:
- Provide FREE website pages for your group to post meetings, activities, articles, helpful hints, local resources, etc.
- Help EDSers locate valuable information, continue to learn, and create resources to share with their EDS peers
- Conduct periodic EDS Support Group Leaders meetings to share information and ideas.
Enable you to share your experiences and what you’ve learned about managing EDS, and recommend links to your favorite sites, research papers, books, products, articles, etc.
- Conduct twice a month FREE Educational programs related to connective tissue disorders.
Encourage and enable EDSers to inform medical practitioners and the public about EDS