Membership Form

Some of our groups have requested a Membership Form to collect information about their members.

Click here for a WORD template of this form that can be modified and personalized for your group’s needs. 

Click here for an EXCEL template of a form that can be modified to track your group members’ contact information.

New Membership Form

(Your support group name) 

Preferred name:  Cell Phone: Home Phone:
Current address:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Date of birth (or age): E-mail:

How can we help?

Diagnoses and health concerns(s): (EX. – EDS, POTS, Chiari, …)
Primary needs from the group:
What I can do to help the group:

Emergency Contact

Name of contact:
Address: Phone:
City: State: ZIP Code:

Spouse Information if NOT EMERGENCY CONTACT

Address: Phone:
 City:  State:  ZIP Code:


Name Male/Female (M/F) Age