Free Webinar – “Tethered Cord Syndrome in Ehlers-Danlos”

Join us for a FREE online learning session!

On January 5, 2016, Dr. Petra Klinge presents “Tethered Cord Syndrome in Ehlers-Danlos”.

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WHEN: Tuesday, January 5, 2016  at 7:30-9:30pm, EDT

TOPIC: “Tethered Cord Syndrome in Ehlers-Danlos”

PRESENTER: Petra Klinge, MD, PhD

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS: Spread the knowledge!  Please post this announcement on Facebook, and forward this invitation to others who may be interested in this FREE learning session.


Click here for the announcement page for this free webinar

5 Responses to “Free Webinar – “Tethered Cord Syndrome in Ehlers-Danlos””

  1. Mary boucher says:

    Would like to hear this seminar but your website says I need a website ID and credentials

  2. Suzanne says:

    Please notify me of webinar

  3. Dawn Elise Evans says:

    I am interested in enrolling in this online seminar.

  4. Susan Haack says:

    My 12 year old son has many occult tethered cord symptoms but the local neurologist said that by looking at his spine MRI he did not. I’ve heard conflicting views on this and would like to “be sure”. Is there a definitive test?

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