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Research Round-Up, Edition 2

→ BREAKING NEWS: Study finds biomarker that could lead to a blood test for hEDS & HSD ← Welcome back to the Research Round-Up, a summary of medical news you can use. We’ve got a lot of great research for you this month, so giddy up and git going! Yee-haw! If you have an article […]

Many Ehlers- Danlos Patients Cannot go Numb at the Dentists

By Chris Baraniuk Some people are resistant to local anaesthetic, meaning they must endure dental and medical procedures without such pain relief. And we’re only beginning to understand why. To Lori Lemon, the doctors all seemed flabbergasted. She had come in to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, to have a lipoma – a growth […]

Disconnnected… Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Some symptoms point to a need for greater awareness among dental professionals

By Judith M. Stein, RDH. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) was not only “under my knowledge radar,” it wasn’t even on my screen of awareness. What launched this syndrome into my awareness was a community tragedy where

Doctor Speaker Series – “EDS: A Dental Perspective” – Recording Available

Our presenter for December 4th was Dr. Carl Mentesana, DDS.                         His topic was: “EDS: A Dental Perspective“ Click Here for the recording Note: the presentation slides start after about 7 minutes into the program   Addendum to the Patient Q & A Question: Please post the […]