Managing Ehlers-Danlos

A dark hospital hallway

28 Hours in the Emergency Room

“You have arrived at your destination,” our car’s navigation system announces. Crossing the street, I lean on my partner’s shoulder. An involuntary shudder ripples through me as I succumb to a wave of assaulting nausea followed by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I stare questioningly at the letters “gency” flickering on the neon sign […]

A thermostat showing more than 30 degree celsius and a bright sky with sun.

POTS, EDS, and the Scorching Sun: Heat Intolerance & Your Summer Survival Guide

Welcome to the sizzling chronicles of summer, a time when we embrace the sun-kissed longer days, BBQs, and hopefully beach trips! But what if I told you that for some folks, this wonderful season feels more like a daunting endurance test than a relaxing vacation? Today, we delve into the sweltering world of Heat Intolerance, […]

Caitlin, a woman with long red hair is lying in green grass. She wears a blue shirt.

We Are Visible Too, Episode 2: Caitlin O’Donnell

We Are Visible (Too) is an ongoing mini-film series portraying people with EDS all across the globe. In this mini-documentary series, we will continue on the We Are Visible  – a feature-length film about people with EDS – journey and add a variety of 5 – 10 minute videos of other people across the country […]

Billie Eilish, a woman with black shoulder-long hair all dressed in black.

Popular People With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Over the last years, more and more famous Hollywood stars have come out with having been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, sharing their journey on social media and with the press to raise awareness. For EDS Awareness Month, Chronic Pain Partners’ Karina Sturm put together a list with popular fellow zebras, including Billie Eilish, Jameela Jamil, […]

A young girl with a stuffed animal zebra on the right; an illustration of the girl on the right in watercolor style on the left.

Pey Carter and Daughter Abigail Speak About Their EDS Children’s Book 

Pey Carter, a public speaker and author from Eau Claire, WI, and their daughter, Abigail Bailey, have a children’s book about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in the works: Bendy Bones and Stretchy Skin: An Ehlers-Danlos Story. In addition, Pey just finished a Kickstarter for an Ehlers-Danlos coloring book and is working on a memoir of their own. […]

An illustration of a dancing zebra

Zebra Mamas: Parenting a Child With EDS

The Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are a collection of heritable connective tissue disorders* that affect many organ systems and often come with several other conditions. It’s a genetic condition, which means many families manage the lives of several zebras simultaneously. Living with complex conditions such as EDS as an adult is challenging at the best of […]

Many cells connected by extracellular matrix

Folate-Dependent Hypermobility: Researchers at Tulane’s EDS Clinic Look Into New Possible Mechanism For Hypermobile EDS

A recent publication by scientists at Tulane University’s EDS clinic proposes a possible new mechanism behind hypermobility: folate dependency. The researchers hypothesize that MTHFR mutations may lead or contribute to a form of hypermobile EDS and present a treatment with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate to improve the patient’s symptoms.  Tulane’s EDS Clinic Two years ago, Tulane University’s EDS […]

Jacques Courseault, a black man with black hair and black glasses. He wears a blue shirt and a green bow and lifts up the arm of a black woman with a tattoo on her arm in an examination room.

Folate-dependent Hypermobility: Discussing Tulane’s Recent Paper With Their Scientists

A recent publication by researchers at Tulane University hypothesizes MTHFR mutations lead to folate deficiency, resulting in hypermobility. The researchers also propose these mutations may cause or contribute to a form of hypermobile EDS. Journalist Karina Sturm spoke with Jacques Courseault, physical medicine and rehabilitation and sports medicine doctor at Tulane’s Hypermobility and EDS clinic, […]