
Attention Doctors: An EDS Patient’s Bill of Rights

Many EDS patients are struggling to get their doctors to understand their condition.  This “Bill of Rights” is a tool that may help EDSers communicate with doctors. By     an_angel_with_wings “The purpose of this Bill of Rights is not to be combative or argumentative. I have experienced all of these things during the time that my […]

Hypermobility “Stick Men”

Enjoy the creativity of this EDSer who gets her message across with “stick people” stories, communication cards and signs.     At times we need a little humor!  Hannah from the U.K. has found an effective way to explain EDS symptoms & needs to the public in a casual and light-hearted tone.     Click […]

When EDS Strikes Families

By Sandra Strege-Mims Barr,  PhD. Sandra Leads the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Local Support Group in Dallas, TX. We will be looking today at the impact that a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome has on a couple or a family. Most families proceed through day after day earning money from one or two incomes, using that money to […]