#ZebraStrong! The Ehlers-Danlos Society Zebra Rally in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor

The Ehlers-Danlos Society hosted the  #ZebraStrong, a rally in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Saturday, July 16, 2016 to build awareness for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, an often painful and disabling, yet highly under-diagnosed and misdiagnosed genetic disorder. The rally was held immediately following the Society’s Global Learning Conference which was held at the Hilton Baltimore July 14-16.

Over 500 attendees attended the conference, and many took part in the rally, which was open to the public.

The rally was attended by people living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome from around the globe, as well as their families and friends. Several EDS patients shared their stories.

The rally was dubbed “Zebra Strong” because the zebra is the unofficial mascot of the EDS community—and the identity of The Ehlers-Danlos Society.

The attached video recorded most of the rally on an iphone by our EDS Awareness team members.

Click IMAGE for the recording of this event 

After you watch the video above … Click here for more pictures.

Click here for more about the Ehlers-Danlos Society Programs


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