An eight-year-old EDS boy’s dream of driving a Lamborghini has come true thanks to the Starlight Children’s Foundation.
“Cameron Jones suffers from a complex form of the genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, where collagen fails to form properly in the body that affects the skin, ligaments, and internal organs.
Despite spending a lot of time in hospital for treatment, physiotherapy and investigations, Cameron has developed a keen interest in fast cars and bikes, fuelled by a neighbour who has an old Harley Davidson.
When Cameron’s grandmother heard about Starlight and knowing how much Cameron had been through, she decided to put him forward for a wish.
Once Cameron knew he was eligible for a wish it didn’t take long for the fast car enthusiast to choose a ride in a very fast car like a Lamborghini.
Cameron’s Starlight wish was granted during the school summer holidays when he and his family travelled up to London the night before to spend the evening at the Park Plaza Hotel.
A Starlight spokesperson said, “Cameron woke early the next morning and was very excited that his dream to ride in very fast sports car was about to be granted. The family set of early for South Kensington to visit one of the UK’s leading sports car showrooms, H R Owen.
“They were given a full VIP exclusive tour of the showroom and all the different sports cars with Cameron listening intently to all the car’ technical detail.
“The magic really started for Cameron when the glass doors of the showroom opened up and Cameron was invited to take a seat in a Lamborghini for a breathtaking drive round the sights of London.”
Cameron said, “It was amazing, I loved it. I felt like a celebrity as people were pointing and taking photos all the time.
“When we arrived back at HR Owen and drove into the showroom a crowd gathered outside too.”
Cameron’s mum Kate said, “We had such a fun packed day and Cameron was in his element around all those very fast and expensive sports cars. It is wonderful to see him enjoying himself and for us to get away as a family is so important.
“All the time we were up in London we didn’t need to worry about the next hospital appointment.”
Starlight grants once-in-a-lifetime wishes for seriously and terminally ill children and their families and for more information, to refer a child for a wish or make a donation visit at”
Be careful what you wish for …. your dreams might come true!
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