Pokemon is Favorite Game for Cameron Who has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Pokemon is Cameron’s way to show the world how proficient he is with card games. 

cameron_1“A mother who set up Dunstable’s first Pokemon club so her poorly son could play his favourite game is handing over the reigns after five years.

In that time, 14-year-old Cameron Dilley – who has chronic fatigue due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – won two national tournaments and competed in the World Championships in Florida and California.

Mum Allison set up the weekly meet at Grove Corner in High Street North in 2008 after travelling to the nearest league in North London.

But last Tuesday (September 25) she handed the baton to Marian Sanderson, whose 12-year-old son Wilf is also a regular at the club.

Allison said: “Because of Cameron’s illness, the card game was the only thing he could do.”

“It’s quite a strategic game, involving mathematics. It also helps children’s social skills, but it’s mostly about having fun.

“I’ll be sad to leave, but I’d be even sadder if the club were to just finish. I know it’s in good hands.”

Pokemon is a game in which different monsters are pitted against each other. Cameron’s favourite Pokemon is Lucario.

He said: “This game has got me through some hard times, and given me the motivation to do things.

“I’ve been places I wouldn’t have otherwise. I’ve always had love for Pokemon, but I never realised how big it was.”

The club runs every Tuesday in term times between 6-8pm. Contact mariansanderson@ntlworld.com.”

Lucario is Cameron’s favorite Pokemon monster and they are big winners together!

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