Free Webinar: “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in EDS Patients (Part 2)” – Recording Available

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TOPIC:  Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in EDS Patients (Part 2)”



PRESENTER:   Anne Maitland, MD, PhD – Director for Comprehensive Allergy & Asthma Care and the new Mast Cell Activation Center of New York




Click IMAGE here for a link to the recording

Click here for a link to the presenter’s slides  

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Click here for a link to Dr. Maitland’s Part 1 webinar.


About our speaker: Anne Maitland, MD, PhD

Dr. Maitland is an Asst. Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in the Departments of Otolaryngology and Medicine- Clinical Immunology Division.  She also is the medical director for Comprehensive Allergy & Asthma Care as well as the new Mast Cell Activation Center of New York.  She is writing a pamphlet titled: Mast Cells Gone Wild!  A guide for the diagnosis and treatment of Mast Cell Activation Disorder.

After earning her doctorates in medicine and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Maitland completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, and her clinical immunology training at Mount Sinai Hospital.  She is board certified in Allergy & Clinical Immunology.

Dr. Maitland has been recognized for her clinical excellence at Mount Sinai Hospital and as a NY Times Superdoctors, 2011-2014.  She now focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of primary immunodeficiency and hypersensitivity disorders, including the emerging spectrum of mast cell activation disorders.

Click here for more information

Dr. Maitland is accepting new patients.

Attendees have asked which other doctors in the U.S. are focusing on Mast Cell Activation in EDS patients. Here are the doctors we are aware of:

Dr. Josh Milner (Adults) at National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD mation/Pages/milner.aspx

Dr. Melody C. Carter (Pediatrics) at National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD

Dr. Cem Akin and Dr. Mariana Castells at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA s/ppd/2012/april2012/mastocytosis-center.aspx
See Dr. Castells video at:

Dr. Larry Afrin is another MCA expert.  He used to practice in SC, but is now located at the University of Minnesota (in Minneapolis).


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6 Responses to “Free Webinar: “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in EDS Patients (Part 2)” – Recording Available”

  1. Elena says:

    Could you please tell me when was part 1 or post the link? Thx!

  2. Laura S says:

    Just to clarify, this is part two of a two part series by Dr. Maitland. And part one of this webinar series was on September 3, 2014?

  3. Mark M says:

    Dear Dr. Maitland, thank you so much for another highly informative session here! You mentioned in your Q&A session that you might be able to point patients in the right direction for someone to help with severe mast cell issues locally…my wife has MCAS, EDS3 and POTS, and we live in Orange County, California. (She also has a recent dx of Dercum’s Disease and Lymphedema). If you have a couple of referrals we could consider for help with MCAS, we would greatly appreciate it…thank you so much!

  4. Karin says:

    Thank you so much for this webinar: I think MCAS explains so much of what is going wrong with me – next to my hypermobility type EDS, and my family (daughter, sister, nephew)! We all live in Europe, so we can sadly not come to see you. Do you know of any good practitioners – knowledgeable in MCAS (in conjunction with EDS or not) in Europe (preferably The Netherlands, Austria and the UK), who could help us out?
    We all appreciate your help, and all the wonderful work you do!

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