EDSawareness.com is excited to be offering this Doctor Speaker Series to our EDS Membership.
The sessions will be the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 9:00 pm EST.
Please note: We are limited in the number of openings so please log-in early to attend the program. We will provide a link to click on to join the meeting, this will provide you with the visual (slides) via your computer connection. Then you should select the option to have the meeting call your telephone – which will provide you with the audio. If you would like to ask questions during the Q & A., please use a headset (instead of speakerphone or computer speakers which may create audio interference. Thank you.)
Our speaker for October 2, 2013 was Dr. Diana Driscoll.
Dr. Diana Driscoll, both a therapeutic optometrist and an EDS patient, brings us all up-to-date on the ocular manifestations of EDS. Taking it further, she discusses her current research into dysautonomia and how it all began ten years ago by studying our eyes. Devoting her full-time efforts and self-funding most of her research is bringing us answers today. You can learn about her research and join her patient forum by going to www.Prettyill.com . Dr. Driscoll is informative and always entertaining.
First I would like to thank the leaders of EDS Awareness for working with Dr. Driscoll to coordinate tonight’s meeting. I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to sharing such a wealth of information enabling those who suffer from EDS to have a better understanding of the disorder. I can’t express how much this has helped me cope with the conditions!!
For those who are not familiar with Dr. Driscoll, I would like to share how much she has helped me better understand my symptoms and improved my life. If you have not already visited her site (provided above), I would strongly recommend viewing the videos, articled, and especially purchasing her book (available in Amazon for a minimal cost)!! I have spent tons of time researching my symptoms and have found her content to be informative while easily read! I have shared some of her videos with my psychologist (who also specializes in occupational therapy) and she was amazed at how well Dr. Driscoll explains dysautonomia, as it corresponded with almost everything she had mentioned about my behavior/symptoms in one session or another. The only difference was that Dr. Driscoll had finally helped us identify a name/diagnosis.
I can’t speak highly enough of Dr. Driscoll’s work. I wish there were more doctors like her and my psychologists, as many of the doctors I’ve seen over the years either don’t have the time, patience, or simply don’t care about finding an actual diagnosis. It’s easier to chalk everything up to being in the patient’s head, but after visiting Dr. Driscoll’s site one time, I finally believed I wasn’t always “sick,” in pain, or exhausted due to simply being depressed. Thank you for that Dr. Driscoll!!
How do I begin to tell you the incredible difference Dr. Diana has made in my life? Actually my entire family’s life is on the upswing because of her! As we started listening to her videos, light bulbs began turning on! We had more than a few Aha! Moments. Soon I began to have hope and as many mother and wives can relate to, when mom’s doing well, the family does well! We felt we could BELIEVE I’d get better, that we could stop obsessing about the what if’s…
I identified with SO MANY of the issues/symptoms that Dr. Diana would discuss in her videos! Listening to her explain WHY these things were happening was such an added bonus for those with inquisitive minds like myself. She gets her audience’s full attention by mixing humor into the topic in a way that only she can do!
Thanks for EVERYTHING you do Dr. Diana! You are One Very Special Lady!!
Thank you so much, Emaly and Rita, and everyone who contacted me after the talk! I am humbled by your comments, and am so appreciative of your thoughts, not to mention THRILLED that I’ve been able to help you in what few ways I can.
This is not a journey for the feint of heart, and even harder of traveled alone. Please know that you are far from alone! Big Zebra hug,
Dr. Diana 😉
Hello, I’m still waiting for the recording of Dr. Driscoll’s session. When will it be made available?