Mark your calendar for the March 2-3, 2018 Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes & Associated Conditions” Conference in Denver.
Friday, March 2, 2018 is the Continuing Medical Education (CME) for healthcare providers only and Saturday, March 3, 2018 is for patients and family members. Both days have similar agendas.
Please invite all your healthcare providers to attend and receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. We recommend printing out this brochure to give to them or emailing the pdf of the brochure. Ehlers-Danlos Conference Brochure
Registration is now open and needs to be completed through the Children’s Hospital Continuing Education website to attend either day. The link is and the electronic brochure is also available there. As a patient or family member, you will scroll to the date of Saturday, 3/3/18 and select ‘EDS and Associated Conditions: Improving Diagnosis and Treatment for All Ages (Patients/Families)’ and click on ‘Register’. Also note that you must register and pay for each individual separately, and use separate email addresses. The system is set up for medical providers, so choose ‘other’ or something similar for the registration fields that don’t apply to you. Each registrant will receive a confirmation email with additional information.
Additional CME credits are available through the EDS Physician CME Educational programs
More than 70 patient oriented EDS educational programs are available at this link.