Welcome, pardner, to our new feature, Research Round-up! In each issue, we’ll bring you summaries of some of the latest EDS research to hit the medical journals. We’ll usually have five or so articles, but we’ve got a special edition this time—10 articles for your information and enjoyment! Yee-haw! Hitch up your horse, grab a […]
Suri Ellerton is a filmmaker, has three children, and lives with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and various comorbid conditions. In this interview with Chronic Pain Partners’ Karina Sturm, Ellerton shares her EDS journey, what it means to be a disabled parent, and how her own experiences relate to her latest film project, “The Game.” Sturm: Hi, Suri! […]
Hannah spreads EDS awareness through her creative cartoons. Her Stickman booklets and information cards have enlightened and entertained many readers. They have provided an alternative way for EDSers to express their needs. “Hannah was diagnosed with HMS aged 24, having been symptomatic all her life. She did well in school and university, but a year […]
Author: Jonathan Rodis President-Massachusetts Chapter of the National Marfan Foundation Head-EDS Massachusetts and New England Support Group “I wanted to share with you something I wrote to help everyone understand what it is like to be disabled, what it is like to have an invisible disability, what to do if you find […]