Chronic Pain Partners is excited to share a significant breakthrough from the Norris Lab regarding hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). After a long wait, the research, spearheaded by Dr. Cortney Gensemer, identifying a genetic variant associated with hEDS has been published, pinpointing mutations in the Kallikrein gene family. The Kallikrein gene family, known for encoding enzymes […]
A recent publication by scientists at Tulane University’s EDS clinic proposes a possible new mechanism behind hypermobility: folate dependency. The researchers hypothesize that MTHFR mutations may lead or contribute to a form of hypermobile EDS and present a treatment with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate to improve the patient’s symptoms. Tulane’s EDS Clinic Two years ago, Tulane University’s EDS […]
A recent publication by researchers at Tulane University hypothesizes MTHFR mutations lead to folate deficiency, resulting in hypermobility. The researchers also propose these mutations may cause or contribute to a form of hypermobile EDS. Journalist Karina Sturm spoke with Jacques Courseault, physical medicine and rehabilitation and sports medicine doctor at Tulane’s Hypermobility and EDS clinic, […]
EDSed is our new series of full-length interviews with international EDS experts. These educational interview series with journalistic (news) quality is complementary to our webinar recordings and another free resource we provide for our community. All films are produced by journalist, and We Are Visible filmmaker Karina Sturm and sponsored by Chronic Pain Partners. You […]