By Ellen Lenox Smith
Living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a lifelong process that requires constant monitoring on how to remain active, yet also physically secure and safe. In this article, Ellen shares some safety tips that she hopes will help others with EDS.
A new, closed, Facebook group is available for support of friends who are caring for, supporting or living with people who have hypermobility/ EDS. _ _ If you meet these requirements you can join at NOTE: no EDSers will be admitted to the group, it is for support people only so that […]
by Yvette Thomas If you have Gastrointestinal problems that frequently accompany EDS, here are some helpful suggestions from an EDS Support Group member. (Always consult your doctor first.) 1. Small meals always. Try not to go a long time in between eating. Always carry a little snack with you. Something protein-based like string cheese or nuts. […]
Enjoy the creativity of this EDSer who gets her message across with “stick people” stories, communication cards and signs. At times we need a little humor! Hannah from the U.K. has found an effective way to explain EDS symptoms & needs to the public in a casual and light-hearted tone. Click […]
By Sandra Strege-Mims Barr, PhD. Sandra Leads the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Local Support Group in Dallas, TX. We will be looking today at the impact that a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome has on a couple or a family. Most families proceed through day after day earning money from one or two incomes, using that money to […]
An ordinary horizontal mouse requires your forearm to twist away from its natural position. This can create more problems for unstable joints like mine. EDSers do better with a grip that is the same as an ordinary mouse, just turned sideways into a handshake position. I got used to the Handshake Mouse very quickly. This Vertical Mouse […]