Vascular Eds

man wearing black and white stripe shirt looking at white printer papers on the wall

Research Round-Up, Edition Three

Welcome back to Research Round-up where we feature some of the latest developments in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) research. Hitch up your horse, gather ‘round the campfire, and see what we have in store for you today. ICYMI: a possible blood test for hEDS? Cardiology“Longitudinal echocardiography in pediatric patients with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome”Published in the American […]

people discuss about graphs and rates

Research Round-Up, Edition 2

→ BREAKING NEWS: Study finds biomarker that could lead to a blood test for hEDS & HSD ← Welcome back to the Research Round-Up, a summary of medical news you can use. We’ve got a lot of great research for you this month, so giddy up and git going! Yee-haw! If you have an article […]

A black and white image of a small table near a wooden wall. The table is stacked haphazardly with books and papers.

Research Round-Up, Edition One

Welcome, pardner, to our new feature, Research Round-up! In each issue, we’ll bring you summaries of some of the latest EDS research to hit the medical journals. We’ll usually have five or so articles, but we’ve got a special edition this time—10 articles for your information and enjoyment! Yee-haw! Hitch up your horse, grab a […]

How You Can Identify If You Have Vascular EDS?

How You Can Identify If You Have Vascular EDS?

Vascular Ehlers-Danlos condition (Vascular EDS, VEDS, also known as EDS type IV) is an exceptional, predominantly inherited, genetic connective tissue issue. It is especially genuine due to the risk for unconstrained blood vessels or organ rupture. Vascular EDS is assessed to happen between 1 out of 50,000 people to 1 of every 200,000 and results […]

Spoons Theory What Actually It Is

Spoons Theory | What Actually It Is?

When somebody raises spoons, what do you think first? You might contemplate the piece of silverware. One that is utilized to eat things like soup or ice cream. Except if you are somebody with an ongoing chronic illness, then, at that point, you may rather think about the Spoon Theory. Until someone doesn’t properly know […]