About Cuyahoga Falls EDS Support Group

Welcome! We are starting a local EDS Support Group in the Cuyahoga Falls, OH area. If you are interested in joining click the “Join” tab and provide your contact information and we will get back to you.

Welcome to The Cuyahoga Falls EDS Support Group. My name is Kassady Oberacker and I founded a website called MedicallyMe: An Alphabet Soup of Syndromes (Link removed, as I unfortunately lost my .com during illness and am currently rebuilding under a .org) to provide a forum to educate people both with and without chronic illness, promote awareness for chronic illness and provide advocacy for those with chronic illness. Many chronic illnesses are invisible and are overlooked by both medical providers and society. It is my dream to turn Medically Me into a non-profit organization run both for and by the Zebra community.

I joined forces with Ashley Ann Akers (She lives near Terre Haute, Indiana and would like to start a group there too!) to make some of our awareness dreams a reality, including the unveiling of our Spotted Zebra program. I’m very excited about some of the things we have in store! While we plan to focus on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and EDS related illnesses, we are here to support everyone with chronic illness.

I’ve also been working with John Ferman of EDSAwareness.com and his wonderful daughter, Deanna Hamm, on providing their social media management, since August 2012 (though lately my health has been too poor to help as much as I would like, but I’m still around helping when/where I can help). I’ve been a member of the Cleveland EDS Group for many years now, but have not always been able to attend since I lost my ability to drive for for years (ictal episodes/syncope).

So, I decided that I wanted to start hosting meetings in my area, as our membership is growing and I believe that it’s never a bad idea to offer additional support, education and awareness opportunities to our members.

In addition to EDS Hypermobile/Type 3, I also have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome with Ictal episodes, Psoriatic Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Autonomic Dysreflexia, Carpal & Tarsal Tunnel Syndromes, GERD, TMJ, Lymphocytic Colitis, Chiari-0, Cervical Instability, recurring Acute Pancreatitis, Pernicious and Iron Anemia’s, Small Fiber Neuropathy, MCAD, and Gastroparesis/DTP. Our next step is to begin testing for mito.

If you’re unable to make it to meetings (or I am, for that matter) and are still interested in talking, please send me an email at medicallykassady@gmail.com or find me on Facebook. I’m always here to support fellow EDSers and those that love them.

((Gentle Zebra Hugs!)),

For the Cuyahoga Falls EDS Support Group Facebook Group, please click the link.

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