Pittsburgh Area Support Group Meetings

EDS & CTD Friends of Pittsburgh, PA.

Upcoming Meetings:

Saturday, April 23, 2022 2:00-4:00pm 

**ONLINE meetings will continue, in the 
below Facebook group**

Pittsburgh Area EDS & CTD Online Meeting
*Please answer the questions when requesting to join*

For more info email: pgh.eds@gmail.com

It will be a chance to meet, socialize, and support others with EDSers or CTD’s and their families.

Other types of CTD’s (Connective Tissue Disorders) are welcome.  Please feel free to bring family members or friends with you.

What to expect:

You will discover a group of friends who TRUELY relate to what you are experiencing.

Our meetings are very informative – as we share valuable knowledge, advice and experiences with each other. We are a positive, supportive group where you will feel at ease – like having coffee with a close friend. No judgement here. You may discover that many of your EDS challenges are common to us all.  If you feel misunderstood in everyday life – you may be surprised at how “normal” you feel here.  Come with the expectation of giving and receiving empathy and compassion. Through participation, you will feel refresh and rejuvenated. EDS Friends help each other tackle our EDS challenges & have a strong desire to increase awareness of EDS in our community. Join us at our next meeting!