Click here to check our Facebook site for Upcoming Events
NOTE: All Dayton Zebra support group meetings occur on the third Thursday of EVERY month. All meetings are held in the community room of The Greene Town Shopping Center at 7pm. The community room is located in the Ritch Building at 70 Birch Alley Beavercreek OH 45430. (directly behind Panera)
April 19th: Support group discussion, lead by Andrea Julian, on self-advocacy, how to speak to your doctors, and organizing your EDS and co-mrbids.
April 21st: 5K preparation meeting. 10 am, Starbucks 4492 Indian Ripple RD, Beavercreek OH 45430
May 8th: All day Fundraising event with Pies and Pints! Bring in our flyer and the Dayton Zebras will receive 20% of your purchase! Email us for more details or join us on Facebook for more information
May 17th: Support Group meeting discussion, What is EDS and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder? This is a great meeting to bring your curious friends and family to. Andrea will go over the new diagnostic criteria, the different types of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and we will discuss different types of care and management that have worked for other zebras.
May 18th and 19th: Dayton Zebra’s Annual Garage Sale for a cause, location: 4182 Kemp Rd. Beavercreek OH 45431 Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-4
May 21st: Dayton Zebra Teens Fundraiser at BD’s Mongolian Grill from 6-8. TICKETS ON SALE NOW
May 26th: 5K preparation meeting. 10am Starbucks 4492 Indian Ripple Rd, Beavercreek, OH 45430
June 9th: 2018 EDS Awareness 5K. 10-2 Eastwood Metroparks, 1385 Harshman RD Dayton OH 45431.
June 19th: Taco Truck Tuesday with Dayton Zebra Teens, 530-730
June 21st: Support group discussion lead by Hope Heidenreich of Hope living Healthy with EDS
July 19th: Dr. Jonas will be leading this support group discussion. Don’t miss it!!
August 16th: Back to school, IEP and 504 discussion with Zebra Teen leader and Special Education Teacher Cathy Rouhier