About EDS Friends of Columbus, OH

My name is Andrea Jolley and I am the facilitator of your group. The formation of this support group was inspired by my visit to the 2012 EDNF Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was there that I met John Ferman and his wonderful daughter Deanna. While speaking with them, I was amazed to hear that both the Cincinnati and Cleveland areas had active support groups but that there wasn’t one in Columbus. Well, your wait is over because Columbus is now on the map! After much thought and discussion with facilitators of other support groups, I would love our group to have the following goals: *form relationships *focus on solutions to life’s issues

* show n’ tell ways to make life easier
*share physician experiences and create a referral list
* become a source of both informational and social support for our families
* discover ways that we can become a vehicle of education for the world around us
 *Communicate through our Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/238241362994842/

Wear Your Stripes With Pride